Labor Day Hot Spring OHA Park

I signed up for this trip a few months ago when someone in a highly modified Jeep asked me if I go offroad much. I pointed to my 20 BOHs (3 more from the recent CO trip) on my rear window coupled with lots of dents and scratches. As I transition over from trail riding to overlanding, I’m scaling back the trail difficulty dial, hoping to avoid unnecessary damage, as I inch my way towards retirement. I’ve been to Hot Springs OHV, but I was alone so I only did the Snake trail. I hope to get the three remaining BOHs this weekend. Rubicon Ridge, Fun Run, and the newly added Quartz Canyon.

I’m staying in a cabin at the Hot Springs KOA, so I’ll be cooking breakfast and dinner. I’ll be grabbing snacks and sammiches for lunch. I finally set up the drawer dividers so all my kitchen/bathroom/doggie stuff is well organized, and there shouldn’t be any rattling (I filed the gaps after the photos were taken). I cleaned the fridge and packed it with a 1 gallon water (will fill my , Gatorade, tea, and ice coffee. I won’t forget to bring cooking oil and seasoning, and I finally have the utensil holder for the stove drawer so I won’t forget those important things.

The 5 gallon gas can is filled with fresh fuel, since I always empty it on my way back from trips. The propane tank is at about 75%, so should be good. I filled my 2.5 gallon water can, so I’m ready to clean after meals. I packed Koda’s king size bed cover, and his harness, and oh yes, a number of his toys. 🙂 I started packing early this week, hope I don’t forget anything.

Ok, time to sleep, so we can get an early start in the morning.